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Tips for a Great Small Business Logo

Simplicity – The pervasive attitude toward logo design is still minimalistic. I say still because this has been the case for a long time. From time to time industries morph into different common design themes such as the real estate industry where the key was the most common but now it is roof lines. In the end however the simplest design usually carries the most punch if done correctly – see the Century 21 real estate logo
Engaging – When someone see’s your logo does it convey what you do, your company’s mission, and most importantly is it memorable? Is it original and unlike your competitors?
Scalability / Media – Is the logo scalable in terms of how it will look on a large trade show graphic versus a small letter head? The level of detail becomes apparent the larger the graphic is displayed. Thought should also be given to whether how it will translate to an embroidered stich design if this will be used on company shirts.
Color – When you look at many of the most successful large businesses, regardless of industry, one common aspect they have in common is how they use color. The great majority of these company’s only use one to two colors – this brings us back to simplicity.  

Anatomy of a logo - Amazon

I'm a big fan of keeping things simple with a minimalist twist.....take for instance the Amazon logo which is one of my favorites. First the use of black lettering conveys power which undoubtedly is consistent with Amazon being the largest retailer worldwide. Then we have the underline yellow/gold arrow. The colors of gold and yellow are fairly close in terms of conveying friendliness however the darker tint of gold adds the significance of wealth.

In terms of the shape of the arrow, a lot of people first identify it as a smile - a smile works and is synonymous with good service. But, notice where the arrow starts at "A" then goes to "Z". The meaning - "we have everything you are looking for from A to Z". Talk about making your name work for you!!!